- It is unwise to anticipate your earnings by spending a lot of money. 大量花钱提前使用自己的收入是不明智的。
- It is difficult to assimilate a lot of information. 难于在较短时间内摄取许多信息。
- I think it is necessary for us to read a lot. 我认为大量阅读是必要的。
- Yes. I think it is a lot like Taipei. 到过,我想它非常像台北。
- It is a light red suitcase with a lot of tags. 一个浅红色的旅行箱,贴了很多标签。
- A lot of it is detail is done bad. 许多是细节都做不好。
- It is required (of me) that I give evidence. 要求我提供证据。
- It is still need a lot of testify to support it. 它仍然需要更多的验证来支持这个论调。
- Good feedback, though a lot of it is nitpicky. 答:非常好的反馈,虽然其中不少有些吹毛求疵。
- Jason: Hey, it is! A lot of people like that movie! 杰森:嘿,本来就是啊!很多人都喜欢那部电影!
- It is clear that I can gain a lot in NUS. 成么?!
- It is required to construct an access bridge over a motorway. 要求跨过公路建造一座跨线桥。
- He started his business on a shoestring. It took a lot of hard work and clever planning to build up it up to where it is today. 他的公司是小本经营开办起来的,经过不少的艰苦劳动和苦心规划,才发展到今天这个样子。
- It is required to remove the residues of OA fluxes. 清除有机酸助焊剂的残留物是必须进行的。
- It is required that you arrive at 8 a.m. 你必须上午8时到达。
- It is required that all members be present. 要求全体人员出席。
- It does not take a lot of code, and it is a nice UI effect. 它并不需太多代码,并且它具有一个很好的用户界面效果。
- It is a global problem, which requires a global approach. 贪污是全球性的问题,需要全球通力解决。
- Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 所求于管家的,是要他有忠心。
- TIPS: - Confirm return flight ticket if it is required. 如为必要,及时确认回程航班